I accidentally did a little wee on the floor and, out of habit, said "Otto did it". Sort of shifted the whole trust arrangement over here.
Hiking the M
Well since Otto left, it's been really quiet (which the People seem to like a lot). I made the People take me to the M Trail and I did the entire hike without a leash! It's really green now, and sunny too, so we had a great afternoon.
And he's off!
Otto went to his new home on the goat farm today (that worked out), so it's both sad and awesome at the same time. Here's his new family... I'll post more later, but I just did a big walk up Drinking Horse and I'm pooped.
About the People
They seem nice. They buy lamb and rice food and usually have snacks in their pockets when we go for walks. We've gotten them in a pretty regular habit of walking (including the Man, who never walks anywhere). We'll do a loop in front of the house (1 mile) or the Panorama loop (1.8) or the dog park (1.5?). Some days, we get two out of three. We sleep really well, which the People seem to appreciate.
They put our bed in the kitchen (YES) and only close the gate when OTTO does something stupid or makes a lot of noise. We get some rawhide chewies which aren't bad (uh, People, they do make chicken flavor, I'm just sayin') and the Man is always dropping food on the floor. The Lady buys us awesome stuffed animals that we play with until MamaLu finds out, steals them from us and chews the face off before we can. I really want to chew the face off something before she gets to it.
They let me out into the living room when they watch the glowing box that makes all the noise, and I maneuver my way onto the couch and fall fast asleep. They think it's charming, and I'm CONVINCED this is why they chose me over Otto.
There is one thing not perfect over here, and that's The Old Man. He's grumpy and doesn't like when I bark at him, but he's pretty slow so I can run around him in circles so at least that's fun. Plus, he peed on Otto the other day (YES). The People call him Hank, but to me, he's The Old Man. Not very much fun, but the People Man seems really attached to him.
So in the house, there's MamaLu, Otto, the Lady, the Man, the Old Man and someone they call Grampadon. There's talk of a Bibi, which somehow always makes me hungry for pupcakes. There are other playmates in the neighborhood, like Bella and Bear, Bogie, Fella, Halo and Mesa. We see them all the time when we walk.
Did I mention that we walk OFF LEASH? It's not that complicated really, and the People are really excited. They haven't connected the fact that they give us snacks if we stay close. I mean, who's gonna wander off when there's snacks? We're really good about staying out of the road when cars come (again, thanks to the snacks.) Is there any problem snacks can't solve?
There is a tiny bit of snow left, as you'll see in the photos the Man seems to be fond of taking. The very last one is a view of Bozeman from the road by our house.
They put our bed in the kitchen (YES) and only close the gate when OTTO does something stupid or makes a lot of noise. We get some rawhide chewies which aren't bad (uh, People, they do make chicken flavor, I'm just sayin') and the Man is always dropping food on the floor. The Lady buys us awesome stuffed animals that we play with until MamaLu finds out, steals them from us and chews the face off before we can. I really want to chew the face off something before she gets to it.
They let me out into the living room when they watch the glowing box that makes all the noise, and I maneuver my way onto the couch and fall fast asleep. They think it's charming, and I'm CONVINCED this is why they chose me over Otto.
There is one thing not perfect over here, and that's The Old Man. He's grumpy and doesn't like when I bark at him, but he's pretty slow so I can run around him in circles so at least that's fun. Plus, he peed on Otto the other day (YES). The People call him Hank, but to me, he's The Old Man. Not very much fun, but the People Man seems really attached to him.
So in the house, there's MamaLu, Otto, the Lady, the Man, the Old Man and someone they call Grampadon. There's talk of a Bibi, which somehow always makes me hungry for pupcakes. There are other playmates in the neighborhood, like Bella and Bear, Bogie, Fella, Halo and Mesa. We see them all the time when we walk.
Did I mention that we walk OFF LEASH? It's not that complicated really, and the People are really excited. They haven't connected the fact that they give us snacks if we stay close. I mean, who's gonna wander off when there's snacks? We're really good about staying out of the road when cars come (again, thanks to the snacks.) Is there any problem snacks can't solve?
There is a tiny bit of snow left, as you'll see in the photos the Man seems to be fond of taking. The very last one is a view of Bozeman from the road by our house.
Parking and barking
We've got a pretty good puppy bark going on, and get to use it at that wonderland the People call the Dog Park. MamaLu runs all around, so we trot near the People and get lots of snacks when we come if they call. Pretty easy, they say our names like ten thousand times a day.
It's starting to get really green up here (grass is awesome to eat, beats the hell out of snow) so the People took some photos. There I am (in the supa-stylish green collar) in the top photo. (click to enlarge)
It's starting to get really green up here (grass is awesome to eat, beats the hell out of snow) so the People took some photos. There I am (in the supa-stylish green collar) in the top photo. (click to enlarge)
I will miss him however
He really is loads of fun to play with. He's FAST too, we run around the backyard like crazed dingos (much to the amazement of the people). He does a pretty good tug and shares his toys. So all the kvetching aside, he's still a pretty cool brother.
My plan is working
Despite the fact that I'm completely housebroken (thank you very much) I've been pooping in the garage and peeing on the floor and getting the "owners" to think it's Otto. They are completely convinced that everything bad that happens is Otto's fault.
I have managed to weasel my way into sleeping in the big bed at night with MamaLu and those two People who apparently buy all the food. It's a pretty sweet deal. I really am very housebroken, I just want them to think it's him. I'm an angel - I snuggle on the couch and look cute whenever possible. When they aren't looking, I bark really loud and pretend it's him. The People are buying it. If it stops working, I'll try perhaps the classic gag/barf, or maybe just chew up something... that will send them over the edge. Anything to get that dude out of here.
I have managed to weasel my way into sleeping in the big bed at night with MamaLu and those two People who apparently buy all the food. It's a pretty sweet deal. I really am very housebroken, I just want them to think it's him. I'm an angel - I snuggle on the couch and look cute whenever possible. When they aren't looking, I bark really loud and pretend it's him. The People are buying it. If it stops working, I'll try perhaps the classic gag/barf, or maybe just chew up something... that will send them over the edge. Anything to get that dude out of here.
Otto is still here
He had a sleepover at a goat farm (I had my fingers crossed on that one) but it didn't work because of some landlord problems with the farmers. He would have really liked it - he ate several kinds of poop (duck is his favorite, but he's not that picky) and got to tromp around the mud and chase chickens.
He's going to get an ad in the paper soon if the big people who feed him (our "owners") can't find him a home. This house isn't big enough for the both of us.
Here's where he did the sleepover. It was too good to be true.

He's going to get an ad in the paper soon if the big people who feed him (our "owners") can't find him a home. This house isn't big enough for the both of us.
Here's where he did the sleepover. It was too good to be true.

Well hello, I'm Henry
I'm new to some of you, so let me introduce myself. I'm Buck Henry Super Genius. I was born the day before Valentine's Day in 2011, so I'm almost 100 days old! My mom is Lula, my dad was some stud she picked up named Smokey, and I have a brother (Otto Pilot) and a sister (Sky). Sky's with her dad and new family here in Bozeman, but Otto is still here.
Let me repeat. Otto is STILL HERE.
Let me repeat. Otto is STILL HERE.
Again with the Howdy
Finally got the new blog up and running again. Blogspot (for some reason) never activated the blog despite allowing posts and a redesign. Go figure. Perhaps it doesn't like me. Hmm. That's an idea. From now on, Henry will post.
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