Found some pics from last month

Skipping school

Dragged the Lady and the Man out for today's hike (MID-DAY!!), on Drinking Horse Mountain. Not very far, but steep. The Man took some photos (into the sun, with a phone camera, arrgh) but you get the idea. It looks hot, but was about 75°, with a nice breeze. Not enough creeks to play in, but enough mud to make the Man swear loudly as we got into the car, and to warrant a hosing before we got to go into the house.

Click to see the tiny bench, lower middle. Nice place to sit down and catch your breath.

Here's me and MamaLu, returning back to check on the slow people.

And a quickie movie...

Stone Creek

On an old logging road, we can hear elk bugling.

The dog park was super crowded!

Big crowd the other day...

Where firewood comes from

The Lady is back from Miceland – actually Iceland I was later informed – and did not bring us any mice.  Since MamaLu has taught me that mice live in woodpiles, we have begun a family tradition of unstacking all the firewood, which is very very fun, despite the yelling from the Man. He has to go and restack all the wood and this does not make him happy.

He ordered more firewood in an attempt to overwhelm us with choice, but it was all so well stacked and very high, we haven't figured out how to get to all the juicy mice hidden within. Give us a day or two.

Here's a photo of where the wood came from... apparently the guy we buy from (our "dealer") has a connection up in the woods somewhere where he buys big trees and cuts them down to size.

At least this year we bought firewood before it snowed, lesson learned from last year. MamaLu tells me that laying in front of the fire is one of life's great pleasures... can't wait until winter. It was a brisk 36° this morning, so fall's on the way!

Middle Cottonwood

Dragged the Man out of bed this morning at 5 thanks to some barking lessons from MamaLu. The Lady is a fabulous place called Miceland, and should be back late today. We all miss her terribly, but the only good thing is the Man tends to give us more food and snacks.
Since he was up this early, he decided to take us for a hike to Middle Cottonwood... it's about 20 minutes door to trailhead, and you can go in as far as you like. We went about three miles today, but turned off in a new direction to scout out some new land. There must have been some sort of avalanche or flood or something, as this valley was full of upturned trees.

In several places, the Man kept bitching about not being able to find the trail, and doesn't rely on us to tell him the way. What are we, chopped liver? Oh wait, mmmm... chopped liver.

We left him on the trail and went exploring way ahead and way to the sides, he moves so slow. We didn't see another person the whole time, but smelled lots of animals, but would come back and check on him occasionally and to cajole a snack or two.

MamaLu won't have anything to do with the log bridges that I love to run across at full speed. She tromps through the water, and WILL NOT go across those. What an old lady.

Here's some photos.... Can you find my butt in this one?


What about this? MamaLu and I were getting a drink and tried to blend with the rocks in so the Man wouldn't see us...

Here's a better shot of the valley, and the trail... it's much less traveled than the main one.

And here I am trying to show the man the correct way to go up the trail....

And lastly, a view of the giant water bowl.

Some baby pictures

When I do things like destroy your new sunglasses case or eat a pen, don't forget how cute I was.

Short hike to Middle Cottonwood